Perth MRS was another of those events you normally miss being that much farther north, however since we had missed the Glasgow show this year due to the bad weather our desire to see at least one show was even stronger, so the Perth show was scratched on to the calender.
The show itself is two days, but for me this seems a bit long, though I'd guess the organisers would disagree. We arrived around 2pm after stops for a roll and coffee, the venue itself is not that easy to find, luckily my new TomTom Sat Nav saved the day leading us directly to the event and cutting a couple of roads out.
Parking at first seemed it would mean a walk back to the venue, luckily a small space was found so that saved us some time. At first glance the venue seemed just right, but on reflection the displays and stalls could have been laid out better, one hall had little in it while the main hall was packed.
The standard of the displays was outstanding, you can find a selection of layouts from event here.