Having spent a few days preparing the scenics around the yard area, I was itching to get the fencing erected. My problem was that not really knowing what the yard scene would look like, I really did need to try some ideas out. My favourite to date is the one featured in the current set of photographs, of course this may change towards the finalised scene.
Once I was happy I began the preparations for modelling the fencing, I need plenty of room for track cleaning so had always planned on the fence being further back with space for railway maintenance gangs to work.
I drilled some small holes by hand for the fence posts, put some plaster in the holes and on the fence post and then set the fencing up. I also used some neat PVA on two sections to give further strength. Adding the gate was a little trickier, I really should have waited, but I felt the positioning would be easier and with the fence still tacky offered greater flexibility when positioning.
The open section of fencing between the platform ramp and yard will have a small work scene included, yet to be finished. Most of the major parts of the yard scene are complete, just finishing touches for the models. The next two stages are to complete the allotments at the other end of the station and the current end of the platform, the latter has been in planning for the last few weeks, models and ideas being tested for scenic value.
The allotments are halfway through completion, I started these some time back and have been tinkering on and off with them. I have some new models to put in the scenes and this should offer a good run of scenic viewing when finished. Once this is complete I will need to start looking at some time tables for the layout, especially over the coming months of winter.