Friday, November 4, 2011

A Year Without Modelling

Well due to one reason or another I've not done anything with Briers Grove, mainly the illness and when I got the time my photography took centre stage.

I did shoot some macro shots, must look them out for a post, must make an effort next year and really sort the shed out properly to create proper space.

Yes perhaps it is time I looked into this more quickly than first thought..!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Strange Six Months

In my last post I included a photograph of The Grand Marquess, this was taken on a day out to Perth MRS with Barry the guy I worked for. A few weeks later he committed suicide for reasons unknown, with everything that happened there after Briers Grove took a very distant back seat.

Now though as time has progressed, Briers Grove needs some attention, of course this would be okay if it were not for the snow and very cold conditions. As a little interlude I've dug some old shots out I took of the Q1 back in 2009.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

2010 - 17 Great Marquess 61994

Our visit to Perth MRS was meant to be the highlight of the day, how wrong we were...!

The Great Marquess

We stopped at Pitlochry for some hot food, a fish & chip supper, this we followed by a brief circular walk that took us along the river bank, passing the theatre and over the hydro dam, and then back toward the town via the railway station.

We had no idea of what was due, but our short walk offered a surprise we greatly appreciated. Arriving at the station we were greeted by the HST 43 277 to Inverness, this was sat waiting for the local commuter train prior to departure on the single track to Aviemore.

The Great Marquees 61994

I got chatting to another spectator with a camera, it was at this point he mentioned the steam train arriving at 19:10 Southbound from Aviemore. Further questions revealed it to be 61994 on an excursion to the Strath Spey Railway for the day, with Pitlochry serving as a watering hole on the return leg.

Having shot this loco before, I eagerly awaited the chance of another shooting her in the warmth of the evening sun. As you'll see from the shoot, she really was worth waiting for, a glorious end to fine day out for nostalgia.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Perth MRS

Perth MRS was another of those events you normally miss being that much farther north, however since we had missed the Glasgow show this year due to the bad weather our desire to see at least one show was even stronger, so the Perth show was scratched on to the calender.

The show itself is two days, but for me this seems a bit long, though I'd guess the organisers would disagree. We arrived around 2pm after stops for a roll and coffee, the venue itself is not that easy to find, luckily my new TomTom Sat Nav saved the day leading us directly to the event and cutting a couple of roads out.

Parking at first seemed it would mean a walk back to the venue, luckily a small space was found so that saved us some time. At first glance the venue seemed just right, but on reflection the displays and stalls could have been laid out better, one hall had little in it while the main hall was packed.

The standard of the displays was outstanding, you can find a selection of layouts from event here.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Embankment & Tunnel Corner

The embankment by tunnel corner is now progressing with added height and a scrub land area to the bank end of the goods yard. The idea is to create an over grown area that requires clearing or perhaps something similar, as I have some old buildings I wish to use with a scene I thought this may prove an ideal location. Adding the extra height to the embankment will give further depth to the scene, making the tunnel area really stand out as the loco and carriages emerge.

Photos Here

Monday, May 10, 2010

Repairs Finished

Spent a couple of hours finishing the repairs to the scenic work that got damaged by the electrician. Not looking too bad, the scene has changed slightly, some of the figures have moved, (will look good in a film)

More work on the allotments over the coming few weeks, plus a bit more scenic work to the tunnel area. Although I'm working right to left and from back to front, I'd like to make the tunnel area a little more scenic for photographs, especially as I'm buying some extension tubes for the camera, which will allow close-up phtography.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Oliver Cromwell & More

What a weekend, the sun has not stopped shinning, really looking forward to some evening warmth for this years start on the scenics.

This evening sees Oliver Cromwell arrive in Inverness, via Aberdeen on the Great Britain III tour. I'm heading over for the arrival, so hopefully sometime next week you'll see a photo or two of the ol' Girl.

Saturday saw me cleaning the shed out, not too much to really do, disposing of a few odds and ends. This morning I went in and had sort out on the work bench, oops, that should read modelling bench.

Had a look around the layout and found some damaged had occurred when I had some new lights fitted by the electrician. Had to be in the worst place the right hand corner and beyond the tunnel mouth at that, have taken some photos for the record.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

What Can One Say

So the railway layout is taking it's time, slight understatement there I suppose.

So why so long, well I normally do the railway modelling during the winter months, though this last winter season has seen very cold conditions, so the modelling side got postponed.

Now during this time I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and this has caused me bigger problems than I would have imagined. Although I have constant pain in the back, this pain is creating several problems, and being out in the cold shed was something I had no intention of experiencing.

The good news is that with the coming weeks, a return to the shed and railway modelling is a certainty, although this Easter weekend has seen a return of a cold snap and has created a postponed delay until warmer weather returns.

2010 Glasgow MRS

We had it all booked, and then the snow came and completely cut us off. Looking forward to Perth MRS now in June.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The West Highland Way

Was looking through Youtube the other evening and came across this, something I feel you should see...